Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The New Five Word Sentence

For several months Ovi has been saying practical 3 word sentences such as "I want cereal", "Mama go byb-bye", and "Ovi go ni-night". Then, about a week ago she surprised me with a very clear 5 word sentence: "I need help getting socks." It was the clearest and longest sentence in English that she had spoken thus far. Then, for a week, no more 5 word sentences. This afternoon, she uttered her second very clear 5 word sentences.

First, I will recount the events leading up to the noteworthy event:

Chris: Mom, can I flood the sandbox and play in the mud?
Mom: Sure, just don't leave the hose on too long. It doesn't take much water to fill it.
Chris: Thanks mom!
Laura: Can I go out too?
Mom: Sure.
Laura: Do I have to wear a shirt? Or can I just wear shorts like Chris?
Mom: Just shorts is fine.
Laura: Thanks mom!

About 30 minutes passes.

Ovi: I want cereal.
Mom: Ok.

At this point, Ovi is sitting at the table in the kitchen eating cereal and Laura comes to the back door.

Laura: Mom! Mooooooom!
Mom: What?
Laura: I'm done. I'm ready to come in and get in the shower.
Mom: Ok. Leave your muddy clothes on the back steps, then walk on your tiptoes up the shower and TOUCH NOTHING!

Laura drops her clothes on the back steps, then streaks through the kitchen fully clothed in mud--head to toe. Ovi lets out a shriek of delight, begins to laugh, and says:

"Laura has a dirty bum!"

Thus, on her journey of learning English, my daughter now possesses two 5 word sentences:

"I need help getting socks." and "Laura has a dirty bum"

I think all foreign language instruction should begin with these two useful sentences.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive. In fact, I think the 5-word sentence should be a heuristic for invention--very flexible!
