Friday, July 3, 2009

How I Love Thee INS

I got so excited when I went to the mailbox today because there was a letter from Social Security. We have been waiting for 8 months now for Ovi to receive a social security number so that we can officially adopt her and finish this 2 1/2 year process. (India grants guardianship, but does not officially allow adoption, so we have to finish that in the US.) Anyway, we've been waiting on the INS process for months, and at long last (or so I thought) the expedient US government was sending her social security number.

Turns out it was just a statement of my "contributions".
Oh well. Waiting is par for the course by now.
While the government may be intolerably slow, Ovi's adjustment has been quick and strong. When I look at pictures over the past months, I can see her emotional/social growth just in the way she looks.

In India (early November)

Late November.