Saturday, October 31, 2009

Like Airplanes in the Clouds

Laura: Mom, will you tell me what the F word is? Nobody else will.

Chris: Laura, you do NOT want to know what the F word is. When I learned it, it floated around in my head like an airplane in the clouds with no place to land for weeks and weeks and weeks. It just got stuck there. I couldn't get it out.

While my two middle children debate the advantages and disadvantages of knowing the F word, I consider the following:

1. Like Chris, Laura would have the word stuck in her head.
2. Unlike Chris, Laura would have no problem dropping the F bomb from that airplane in the clouds.
3. I personally am ready for that barrage from her.
4. I personally am NOT ready for the counterstrike which would be a barrage of phone calls from other 1st grade parents.
5. And I wonder if they suspend 1st graders for launching the F bomb at teachers?
6. And just how likely is my child to launch the F bomb at her P.E. teacher with whom she is already "having conflict" and to whom she gives "significant attitude" and with whom she "refuses to cooperate"?

Mom: You're gonna have to wait until your older to learn the F word. Sorry honey.


  1. Well analyzed and well played, Mom. Great story!

  2. What an amazingly astute and well-articulated comment from Chris--I must remember this analogy for future reference.
