Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Looking on the Bright Side

  • It didn't blow up.
  • It didn't catch fire.
  • I haven't had to cook anything for anyone in 10 days and counting.
  • Cereal, sandwiches, and popcorn are highly nutritious foods.


  • We didn't die of carbon monoxide poisoning. btw, if you have a carbon monoxide detector that is not "professional grade" (or something like that), it will not make a sound until CO levels are at a deadly level in your house. So your family could be slowly being poisoned with a CO level of 60 and the damn detector won't let you know about it until the level reaches 75 and you have 5 minutes left to live.
  • New furnace is much more efficient and environmentally friendly.


  • No more water on the floor
  • No more gunk on the dishes
  • No more giant stacks of dirty dishes in the sink waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to hand wash them
  • No more need to use paper plates and cups and clutter up the environment because NOBODY wants to do the dishes.


  • Dryer now takes one cycle instead of three to dry a load. This means that the 16 loads of laundry we do each week can get done three times faster. The dryer only has to run 16 times a week instead of 48 times. Look at all the time I'm saving!


  1. All amazing accomplishments. I need a dishwasher!

  2. You have unfortunately reminded me that we need a better dryer.

    I'm confident there are no major appliances in your home which can break. Well, except the....
