Thursday, September 24, 2009

If the Brown House Blows Up, the Two Next to it Will Also Blow Up, but You Should Be Fine

Last night, around 9:30 pm I began witnessing my circle filling up with Questar trucks, vans, and tractors. Yes, giant tractors. Then I witnessed my neighbors from 3 of the 6 houses on our circle, including the house directly next to us, evacuating. Then, the yellow tape went up across their yards and houses. Then the orange barricades in the yard of the brown house (2 away from us). Then the spotlights come on. Then there are men digging a gigantic hole (at least 5 feet deep) in the neighbor's yard.

This can't be good.

My husband goes over to see what's going on, and apparently there is a main gas line leak somewhere in the neighbor's front yard. Seeing as 3 houses were evacuated, my husband asks if we should leave too. "We have 4 kids," he tells the Questar guy. The Questar guy reassures him that our house and our persons are not in danger.

The spotlights, trucks, tools, men, and noise continue until after midnight. Then again this morning, the circle is filled up with vehicles and people, but they appear to be filling in the giant hole, so all must be well.

I also see my neighbor's returning, so I go to talk to them and find out more information.

The woman from the brown house tells me about how she smelled gas in her front yard and made a phone call. When Questar arrived, they immediately evacuated that house and the two immediately next to it. And I mean IMMEDIATELY. He told them (which I don't think was clearly relayed to my husband when he spoke to the Questar guys): "If your house blows up, the 2 immediately next door will also blow up. You all need to leave now."

Hmmmm. So if 3 houses on our circle were to blow up in the middle of the night--including the one right next to us--we'd be fine? Really? We'd be fine? Seems to me that half the circle blowing up would have some impact on the remaining half of the circle. I'm just sayin.

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